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Writer's picture: RoriLeluRoriLelu

Hey you! Yes, you the wonderful person reading this!

I wrote this recently on one of my days off. It took a while with getting it to my friends to edit, then back to me to make sure I was okay with everything. Then just out to publish. Work-life has been crazy in a good way. On top of that, I got major sick, luckily I am on medication now so trying to take it easy. I hope you enjoy ;)




Some days you just need the quiet throughout your own house in order to ruminate with the music in your soul...Some days you just need to slow down and take a breath, focusing on the air filling your lungs.

Some days it’s hard to know when to just sit, yet when you know it hits you all at once. Your body aches, your head spins not from overworking but from the chaos of people and the empathic-ness of not being able to just breathe on your own.

When was the last time I had me time that wasn’t in the shower? Sadly, I can not tell you...

I am a go-getter, a do-er, a -I never sit down and relax-er. I sadly never listen to the signs of my soul or my heart when it tells me to take some time for myself- a walk, a quiet hour, or read a book. When I ignore these signs and don’t do something for myself, I end up erupting when I really don’t want to.

Unfortunately, if I want to have some time for myself, I need to sacrifice time with my husband. This is something I don’t really want to do because we don’t get much time together as it is.

Somedays you may want to be a blanket burrito and not do anything, and shut out the world. However, this isn’t always practical so you somehow push through and get shit done.

Go-getters who balance everything in their lives truly amaze me. It takes years of trial and error to figure out how to balance everything in your life; what works for one person may not work for another.

Some days are just “getting by” days- days where you can’t focus on yourself because you feel the pain of everyone you encounter.

Some days are better than others.

Today is all of the anxiety attacks that never happened and should have, all of the time people that were mad at me and made me feel like crap and I couldn’t say anything.

Today is the day to re-center and find my inner peace again. There is me time and I can do what I want without hurting others’ feelings.

I like to work, I always have. It helps me get out of my head because I have something else to focus on. For a short period of time.

Coming home is great. I am greeted by my husband and my dog, Jed. Seeing my husband’s smile and Jed’s wagging tail helps me know I am in a safe place where I can relax and be myself. Some days are worse than others and it isn’t necessarily customers or counting prescriptions, but how chaotic it can be with how little manpower we have to run it. There are days we don’t get a break (yeah yeah I hear your mind but it’s CT law you have to get a break if you work….) if it’s extremely busy we don’t. I have learned to bring a snack to help me get through. It is how it works. WE grow we adapt, that’s human nature. I don’t know if its work ethic, stubbornness, both or something else.

Some days it’s hard to get by, but we do. We might not be sure of the reasons, but we know there is more to life than the days we cry.

Until the next Different type of View~Rori Lelu


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