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Writer's picture: RoriLeluRoriLelu

No one tells you, it’s ok to cry

No one tells you, it’s ok to scream, to let it all out

No one tells you, to just believe in yourself

No one tells you, you will have battles to fight

No one tells you the wars you wish would of killed you

Everyone tells you how to hold your held up high

Everyone tells you to suck it up buttercup

Everyone tells you just deal

Everyone tells you just let it go

Everyone tells you just breathe and get over it

No one tells you it’s ok to cry

No one tells you it’s ok to scream and let it all out

No one tells you it’s ok if you feel like you have nothing left

No one tells you to keep trying

No one tells you to hold on to hope

Everyone tells you, you’ll get through this

Everyone tells you, to just hold on

Everyone tells you, it’ll get better

Everyone tells you, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel

Everyone tells you, to stop crying

No one tells you, it’s ok to cry

No one tells you, it’s ok to scream seriously let it all out

No one tells you, at the end of the day you tried

No one tells you, it’s okay to feel defeated

No one tells you, it’s okay to mourn

Everyone tells you, to clean up after yourself

Everyone tells you, if you only had more time

Everyone tells you, you’ll be just fine

Everyone tells you, you overreact

Everyone tells you, to stop over thinking everything

No one tells you, it’s ok to cry

No one tells you, it’s ok to scream- it’s no illegal

No one tells you, your smile is beautiful

No one tells you, your voice could calm their storm

No one tells you, they appreciate who you are

Everyone tells you, you’re not good enough in their body language

Everyone tells you, their time is better spent elsewhere

Everyone tells you, your human but your not important

Everyone tells you, to just get the job done

Everyone tells you, it’s ok to be human but not ok to be you

No one tells you, they love to run their hands through your hair

No one tells you, they feel complete when holding you

No one tells you, their heart skipped a beat the first time their eye saw you

No one tells you, their lungs would be breathless without you around

No one tells you, it’s okay to cry

- JL


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